1950s Style: How to Bring It Into 2019 & Beyond

All signs point to a certain pop star bringing 1950s style back to the forefront of fashion. Want to get a headstart on incorporating some of those items into your own wardrobe?

Here is how to get started:

Short Sleeve Sweaters

One of the most common trends of the 1950s is the short sleeve sweater. While it might seem a little silly (who needs their torso to be hot but their arms to be cold?), it is actually a very comfortable and flattering style for so many women.

Make sure to get something that has some personality or dainty little touches to make it really stand out – like some buttons on the back or a shimmer.

Circle Skirts

One of the easiest styles to wear from the 1950s is, luckily, one of the easiest to find as well. Circle skirts have never really gone out of style, so you shouldn’t have a problem incorporating this silhouette into your existing wardrobe or at least picturing some great outfits.

Make sure to get a circle skirt that is tailor properly and made well: they can look extremely cheap and flimsy.


Another trend that can look cheap if done improperly is pearls – but when they are done correctly? It will instantly add class, sophistication, and a 1950s vibe to any outfit. Of course, anyone can throw on a simple strand of pearls and embrace this style.

However, there are plenty of other ways to embrace it: on your shoes, on your shirt, on your handbag, or even in your hair.

Cat Eye Glasses

One of the best ways to embrace the 1950s styles is to take a pair of cat eye glasses and make them a part of your daily outfit. Even the most modern outfit will have a touch of 1950s that will keep you in style. You can either get a modern recreation or something that is vintage. Just make sure to get a pair that has some details that help them to stand out.

While there were certainly some problems for women in the 1950s, there is nothing wrong with recreating their style. Whether you go for authentic vintage or something made recently, you have plenty of choices.

Image by jill111 licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 (source: pixabay)