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About Honey Punch

Honey Punch is leading women's contemporary line. The collections are meticulously designed and produced with the utmost attention to hues, prints, fabrics, and silhouettes.


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Styling Tips for Curvy Girls

In this day and age, when everything in fashion and the media seems to be geared towards slim and skinny models, it can be difficult for curvy girls to find and style clothes that fit and flatter. Of course it’s easy to say that every woman’s shape is beautiful, but if that woman doesn’t feel beautiful, no outfit will work, no matter how much it costs. Luckily though, there are some tips and tricks you curvy girls can use that will amp up not only your outfits, but your confidence!

  • Don’t try to hide your shape – You may think that the more covered you are, the more you can hide your shape, and therefore, the better you will look. But nope. In fact, it’s pretty much the opposite. Sure, if you are self-conscious about an area, you can keep it covered, but be careful not to hide away in too much fabric. That will do little more than make you look sloppy and, often times, even bigger than you actually are.
  • Invest in undergarments – If you don’t already know, shapewear can smooth out a multitude of jiggly bits. But don’t try to squeeze into something three sizes too small for you thinking it will make you look skinnier. Not only will you be horribly uncomfortable, but you will only end up pushing the fat from one place to another, creating rolls you didn’t intend on. Instead, find shapewear that fits, smoothing out areas that are in need. And be sure to invest in a good bra too! That can make a tremendous difference in how your clothes actually look and fit. Imagine how much better you will look if your boobs aren’t down at your waist! But please don’t guess your size. Many stores offer free bra sizing, so take advantage of it!
  • Try on, try on, try on – You may think you’re a certain size…but you almost certainly won’t be that size in every That’s why it’s important to try on everything. Don’t shy away from sizes because you think it’s too big, and don’t shy away from sizes thinking it’s too small and will never fit you. SIZE…IS…JUST…A…NUMBER.
  • Dress your shape – Curvy girls come in all different shapes and sizes. Once you know what shape you are, you will know what pieces will flatter you the most. There are loads of shape guides online to use as a reference. Whether you’re a triangle, rectangle, pear, hourglass, inverted triangle, or oval, dressing to your shape is key to looking your best!
  • Get a tailor – Let’s say you found a fab button-down top that actually fits around your boobs…no gaping around the buttons…but the rest of the top is waaaay too big. Your first instinct may be to put it back on the rack, but you’d be making a mistake and missing out on a great wardrobe staple piece. One of the things you will need to accept as a curvy girl is that a lot of clothing won’t fit you perfectly right off the rack. That’s no excuse for wearing ill-fitting clothes though! The answer is to take those important pieces to a tailor. It can make all the difference between looking sloppy and looking sensational!



3 Reasons Your Bra is Making You Look Fat…and How to Fix It!

A girl might think that the most important article of clothing she could wear is a fancy shirt, or a pricey pair of jeans, or even a killer pair of shoes. But a woman will tell you that the most important article of clothing in your wardrobe is unequivocally a really well-fitting bra. In fact, wearing the wrong bra can actually make you look fat! But worry no more…we’re here to explain how the wrong bra can be effecting you, and what you can do to fix it.

How does your bra make you look fat?

  • Your boobs are hiding your waist – When your bra is ill-fitting or sagging, your boobs will sag. Since the smallest part of your torso is the area just below your chest and just above your bellybutton, how is anyone supposed to see it with your boobs hanging in the way?
  • Your toosmall bra is creating the appearance of extra fat rolls – A bra that is too small around the band will dig into your back. No matter how skinny you are, trust us, that too-small band will create fat rolls on either side of it. And if your cups are too small, your boobs will be pushed out above, below, and out the sides, again creating rolls of fat.
  • Your bra is causing your clothes look too tight – You know how frustrating it is to try on a shirt, only to face the mirror and see gaps and gaping? You try on a larger size, only to face the mirror and now see the shirt looking sloppy on you. 9 times out of 10, it’s not the shirt…it’s the bra.

So how can you fix the bra conundrum?

  • STOP…FIXATING…ON…SIZE – So what if you wore a perfect 34C in high school. Does the rest of you still look the same as you did in high school? So why would you think your bra size would still be a perfect 34C? The main reason why women wear the wrong bra size is because they have a stigma in their head about going up a size or two. Stop thinking in terms of a “bra size” and start thinking in terms of “a bra that fits, size-schmize”!
  • Get properly sized – You might be thinking…”I can’t afford to get sized.” But guess what? You’re wrong. Many lingerie departments in department stores have trained their sales people to size bras properly. You can also get free sizing in some stores, like Victoria’s Secret. So be sure to ask to be sized when out bra shopping! It’s one of the most important factors in looking better in your clothes!
  • Take a deep breath, and make the investment – Aside from the size-stigma, the second biggest reason why women cling to their life-long bra mistakes is that they don’t want to spend the money for a really good, really well-fitting bra. Stop thinking your bra is unimportant just because it’s unseen! Again, this is where you need to shift your priorities. Your bra needs to be on par with your outerwear, or with any other purchase in fact, clothing or not, in terms of you forking out money. A good bra fits and holds up better because it is a better made bra. It is an investment. One you will never regret!


The Perfect Eye Makeup for Brown Eyes

You’ve probably heard people with brown eyes lament and long for any other eye color. You might even hear them say, “Brown eyes are boring.” Well, actually, they’re probably the most versatile color to play off and enhance eye makeup! People with brown eyes don’t just have one perfect eye makeup look…they have dozens! So, truly, when you figure out what enhances those brown eyes, the rest is pure fun!

  • What hue are your brown eyes? – To find what makeup look works best, we’ve got to figure out what shade of brown eyes you have. A good rule of thumb is that whatever your shade of eye (deep, medium, light), your best colors are usually found on the same level of colors. For instance, deep brown eyes usually look best with darker shadows, and can withstand darker liner…and so on.
  • What shape are your brown eyes? – For the purposes of eye shadow application techniques, you will need to do some research on the shape of your eyes. Are they small, large, protruding, almond, hooded, wide set, close set? Once you find the shape, you will find the application technique that best enhances them.
  • Don’t skip the basics – What are the basics? Primer and under-eye concealer, to be precise. Before any eye makeup look, on any eye color, you need to make sure that there’s a clean canvas. Primer ensures your shadow and liner stays put (or else why put it on in the first place?), and concealer eliminates any darkness or unevenness that may distract from your lovely eyes.
  • Find your best colors – Each brown eye hue has a corresponding set of optimal colors that will help create the perfect eye makeup look for you. Dark brown – forest greens, dark grays, deep plums. Medium brown – purples, greens, coppers. Light brown – neutrals, golds, vibrant greens.
  • Liner – Depending on the shape and shade of your eyes, as well as the eye look you are aiming for, there are a plethora of eyeliner colors and techniques you can employ! Just remember to stick with the colors levels that correspond to your eye shade (for instance, the lighter your eye color, the more you will need to avoid black liner). And don’t be afraid to add color with the liner: a plum or vibrant purple, a navy or bright blue.
  • When in doubt, go for smokey! – It’s hard to beat a smokey eye, no matter what your eye color. Brown eyed beauties like Keira Knightly, Natalie Portman, and Kim Kardashian all love to rock a smokey look. Following the guidelines from steps 1-4 above, you should be able to create a smokey eye that you can turn to time and time again.
  • Brows are crucial – Nothing ruins a beautiful eye look faster than a messy brow. Detect your perfect eyebrow shape, trim and groom them, define the arch. If your eyebrows are naturally light, they may tend to wash out your look. So, invest in an eyebrow tinting kit. Darkening by even one or two shades will make a huge difference to for your perfect eye makeup look, and your whole face, in general.
  • Mascara is a must – You can’t have a perfect eye look without mascara of some sort. If your lashes are naturally light, consider sticking to a dark brown mascara (instead of black). And even if you don’t think it will make a difference, curl your lashes first! What good is knowing how to curl your eyelashes, if you don’t take a moment to do it? It will open up the look of your eyes like you won’t believe!
  • A finishing touch of highlighter – No eye makeup is complete without highlighter. Sweep a light shimmering cream or pink color under your brow and in your tear duct to finish your look.

So, you have brown eyes, do you? You’ve got the best of the best, kid. The only eye color with no contrasting or complimentary eye color on the color wheel, as a brown-eyed baby, you can practically wear any color! Your perfect eye makeup is pretty much all of them…so get out there and flaunt it!


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