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About AND1

"AND 1 burst onto the scene in 1993 with a line of ""in your face"" trash talk tees. Today, it sells shoes and apparel all over the world. The Player (AND 1's faceless and raceless basketball icon) represents anyone who thinks he or she can dominate the run."


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Snowboarding and Skiing Essentials

Winter opens up a whole new world of amazing and exhilarating outdoor activities for you to enjoy, with snowboarding and skiing being two of the most popular. But, if you’re underdressed or unprepared, you’ll do anything but enjoy your time in the cold…instead, you’ll be spending every shivering minute wishing for the warmth of the indoors and cursing whosever idea it was to invite you to the slopes to begin with! Luckily, we have a list of the essentials you’ll need to enjoy every schuss, slalom, and snowplough in style!

  • Base layers – Your parents or grandparents might have called them “long johns” or “long underwear,” but modern day base layers are made from more advanced synthetic fabric. Base layers are designed to be form-fitting, worn close to the body, and made from non-cotton material that wicks moisture and retains heat.
  • Ski socks – If you’ve ever spent time in the snow or extreme cold, you know how quickly your toes can start to feel that burning numbness. Ideally, think of snow socks as a base layer for your feet. They should be thin, but made of a moisture-wicking material that will keep your feet warm and dry.
  • Ski/snow jacket – Unlike jackets made for ordinary cold weather, ski/snow jackets also need to be breathable and waterproof. Look for ones that provide good insulation and are semi form-fitting but still allow for good mobility. A bonus here is that snow jackets come in all kinds of beautiful and amazing colors and patterns…so you can really find one that is fun and perfect for you!
  • Ski/snow pants – These are a must for safety and warmth on the slopes. Proper snow/ski pants need to be waterproof and insulated with a contoured fit, but they also need to be long enough to be pulled down over your ski boots and loose enough to allow mobility in your knees and hips.
  • Ski/snow gloves – As with your toes, you will often feel the harsh effects of the cold in your fingers soon after entering the climate, so a good pair of actual ski gloves are best. They are waterproof and offer durability and dexterity. If you find your hands are very sensitive to the cold, you can also add glove liners that will basically act as a base layer for your hands.
  • Ski goggles – These will be important for a couple of reasons. Despite the chill in the air, the sun’s rays will be amplified by reflecting off the snow, so your eyes will need protection. Also, skiing and snowboarding create a great deal of wind that blasts your eyes, causing extreme dryness. Goggles will help eliminate both of these…not to mention you’ll look really cool wearing them!
  • Snow boots – The uppers of good snow boots should be made from padded or quilted nylon, textile, suede, or leather. The midsoles and insoles should be extra cushioned with good arch support and be well-padded for shock absorption. Finally, the soles need to be lightweight and waterproof, with the whole boot being waterproof overall. If your feet stay comfy and warm, you’ll be able to frolic in the snow for hours!


5 Ways Coconut Oil Can Amp Up Your Beauty Routine

When the buzz about the uses and benefits of coconut oil first started up, lots of people just assumed it was either hype, or a bunch of nonsense from the “all-natural” advocates out there. Well, as it turns out, it’s neither. You can use it for everything from healthy cooking, to flavoring smoothies and coffee, to cleaning and conditioning wood! Coconut oil and what it can do really is remarkable. And in terms of its beauty uses? The possibilities are almost endless!

What to look for when buying coconut oil?

Once you decide to give this little miracle oil a try, you might be overwhelmed with your choices. To insure you’re using the best product for your skin, look for unrefined organic coconut oil. And also, you will want to get a large container of it, trust us. Not only will you be able to find more uses for it every day, but you’ll find that a little goes a long way.

So what are some of the ways coconut oil can be incorporated into your beauty routine?

  • Body lotion – This one is probably the first use you’d suspect for using coconut oil as a beauty implement. Why not just use a regular store-bought lotion? Many, if not most, of them are petroleum or water-based. Coconut oil, on the other hand, is all natural and can moisturize your skin more effectively without any additives.
  • Shaving cream – Constantly suffer from those tiny red bumps after shaving? Skin too sensitive to use with many shaving creams and lotions? Try coconut oil! Use it as you would any other shaving product. Wet the area, smooth on the oil, and shave. Your skin will be unbelievably soft and supple afterwards.
  • Face mask – Coconut oil is naturally antiseptic, with many antifungal and antibacterial properties. It’s also antioxidant rich, which works wonders for your skin. There loads of great face mask recipes online, all using coconut oil as the base. You are sure to find one or more that will address your skin concerns and skin type beautifully!
  • Makeup remover – Many makeup removers use oils to breakdown the heavy-duty mascaras, shadows, and liners we use these days…but not all the oils they use are good for your skin. Coconut oil, though, being all natural, will remove all your eye makeup completely while not aggravating your skin. Simply apply a bit to a cotton pad, remove your eye makeup, and rinse the area clean of any remaining oil. Remove the rest of your makeup as usual.
  • Makeup brush cleaner – You know that you risk a serious bacteria build-up by not cleaning your makeup brushes at least once a month. The good news is that by combining a little antibacterial soap with a little coconut oil, you can not only get your brushes clean and free from bacteria, but for those brushes made from natural hair, the oils will help to condition the bristles.


How to Rock the Dark Lip Trend this Winter

You’re seeing it everywhere right now. The dark lip trend is in magazines, on the runways, even strutting up and down the city streets and sipping at the local coffee shop. You might be thinking, “That trend isn’t for me. I’ll never be able to pull that look off.” But guess what? You soooo can!  And here’s how…

  • Pick the right shade – Rest assured, there is a lush, dark hue for each and every skin tone out there. If you have fair to medium tone skin, try versions of purple-based merlot colors. For those with medium to olive skin tones, try hues of burgundy with a more terra cotta base. Deep tone skin can really push the boundaries of deep and dark, so try a merlot with a bit of black or brown.
  • Exfoliate, Exfoliate, Exfoliate – You’ll hear this tip in almost every lip color guide…because it honestly makes a huge difference to how color glides on and looks. If your lips are dry, cracked, and flaky, any lip color will get stuck in the cracks and crevices…but a dark lip color will look positively atrocious. Scrub gently with a product like Fresh Sugar Lip Polish, or Bliss Fabulips. You can also use something simple like olive oil and sugar. Then wipe with a warm, damp cloth and follow with a non-waxy moisturizer.
  • Check your upper lip – You may not think it will make a difference, but trust us, it will. Wearing a dark lip color will draw attention to…yep, you guessed it…your lips. Not only can the dark color get snagged on the tiny hairs, but the hairs can also cast a shadow on that upper lip. Both of which will draw the wrong type of attention. And bleaching the hair won’t work. So, go the distance and remove the hair completely.
  • Let your skin glow – Dark lips will tend to highlight any blotchiness or imperfections in the skin, so even it up and make it glow as much as possible. That means scrubbing and exfoliating your face, removing any little patches of dry skin, then applying a skin brightening BB or CC cream, which will also help to even things up and get you glowing. After all, you want a clean, even canvas for those bold lips!
  • Even the base – Everyone’s lips have some sort of natural hue, and sometimes, that hue can throw off a perfectly wonderful deep Winter lip color. So after applying foundation, dab on a bit to your lips and blend. You’re not looking to completely white-out your own hue, you just want to tone it down a bit so that the lip color reads true when you apply it.
  • Strategically line – Lining when applying a dark lip color can be tricky. If you make a mistake, it will be very The best way to line a dark lip is to start with a nude color. Line just outside your natural lip line and blend away from your lip. The will not only help to keep the lip color from running, it will also make the color itself pop. Next, apply a liner in a similar shade to your lip color to just the area of your cupid’s bow and the middle portion of your bottom lip. Next, apply the lip color with a lip brush, to give you more control over color placement.

And there you go! Perfectly luscious, perfectly beautiful deep, dark lips for the Winter season.


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