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Best Layering Pieces for Winter Weather

Planning to spend some quality time in colder climates this Winter? Think that a sweater and a jacket will get the job done? Guess again! In those chilly regions, where the temps dip into the 20s and 30s, and the wind gets whipping a bit, even ordinary things like walking, sightseeing, and window shopping can be tricky. If you want to stay nice and toasty, without adding big, bulky sweaters and jackets, then you are going to need layers. And these are going to be your most essential pieces…

  • Skinny jeans – You love them in the Summer, Spring, and Fall…so why should Winter be any different? Actually, skinny jeans are ideal as a layering piece for so many reasons. Not only do they balance out your body shape when you wear those gorgeous, oversized sweaters, but they work really well with all kinds of Winter footwear, from knee-high boots to brogues to ankle booties. One tip though: try to find a pair with a bit of stretch to them, and don’t get them in a skin-tight size. This will enable you to layer a pair of tights for warmth underneath.
  • Thick tights – A good pair of thick tights can be so versatile in the Winter! And by “thick tights” we mean opaque tights that are lined with a thin layer of a fleece-type material. They can be worn alone with a cute skirt or dress, or layered under jeans to help cut the cold and biting wind.
  • Thin cashmere sweater – A thin cashmere sweater is not only an all-time wardrobe classic, but it is one of the easiest ways to add warmth without adding bulkiness. It can be layered over a tank, Henley, or even a long-sleeved button-up shirt for the ultimate in preppy chic. In really cold climates, it can even be used as a layer under a thicker sweater.
  • Body-con long-sleeved Henley or crew neck shirt – These are some of the best, no-brainer layering pieces you can have in your wardrobe. If shopping for actual “base layers,” these shirts are almost always in a form-fitting Lycra, blended with some type of wool or synthetic fiber, since these will hold in heat much better than cotton. They come in all sorts of colors and look beautiful layered under a flannel or plaid shirt, worn open.
  • Pashmina shawl – This, again, is another multi-tasking star for Winter! Much more versatile than a classic narrow scarf, the shawl can folded and worn as a thick and cozy scarf, or it can be opened and worn over your shoulders as a shawl. And if you look online, you’ll find no less than 100 different ways to fold it, wrap it, and wear it!
  • Fuzzy socks – Think these are just for bedtime? Think again! They solve one of the epic conundrums of Winter-weather lovers everywhere…how to keep your feet warm and comfortable without causing them to sweat up a storm in your boots! Fuzzy socks, unlike wool socks, manage to keep in warmth, but still allow your feet to breathe. Plus their fluffiness adds an extra little bit of cushioning, which is always appreciated on lovely, crisp Winter walks in the woods!
Styling Tips for Curvy Girls

In this day and age, when everything in fashion and the media seems to be geared towards slim and skinny models, it can be difficult for curvy girls to find and style clothes that fit and flatter. Of course it’s easy to say that every woman’s shape is beautiful, but if that woman doesn’t feel beautiful, no outfit will work, no matter how much it costs. Luckily though, there are some tips and tricks you curvy girls can use that will amp up not only your outfits, but your confidence!

  • Don’t try to hide your shape – You may think that the more covered you are, the more you can hide your shape, and therefore, the better you will look. But nope. In fact, it’s pretty much the opposite. Sure, if you are self-conscious about an area, you can keep it covered, but be careful not to hide away in too much fabric. That will do little more than make you look sloppy and, often times, even bigger than you actually are.
  • Invest in undergarments – If you don’t already know, shapewear can smooth out a multitude of jiggly bits. But don’t try to squeeze into something three sizes too small for you thinking it will make you look skinnier. Not only will you be horribly uncomfortable, but you will only end up pushing the fat from one place to another, creating rolls you didn’t intend on. Instead, find shapewear that fits, smoothing out areas that are in need. And be sure to invest in a good bra too! That can make a tremendous difference in how your clothes actually look and fit. Imagine how much better you will look if your boobs aren’t down at your waist! But please don’t guess your size. Many stores offer free bra sizing, so take advantage of it!
  • Try on, try on, try on – You may think you’re a certain size…but you almost certainly won’t be that size in every That’s why it’s important to try on everything. Don’t shy away from sizes because you think it’s too big, and don’t shy away from sizes thinking it’s too small and will never fit you. SIZE…IS…JUST…A…NUMBER.
  • Dress your shape – Curvy girls come in all different shapes and sizes. Once you know what shape you are, you will know what pieces will flatter you the most. There are loads of shape guides online to use as a reference. Whether you’re a triangle, rectangle, pear, hourglass, inverted triangle, or oval, dressing to your shape is key to looking your best!
  • Get a tailor – Let’s say you found a fab button-down top that actually fits around your boobs…no gaping around the buttons…but the rest of the top is waaaay too big. Your first instinct may be to put it back on the rack, but you’d be making a mistake and missing out on a great wardrobe staple piece. One of the things you will need to accept as a curvy girl is that a lot of clothing won’t fit you perfectly right off the rack. That’s no excuse for wearing ill-fitting clothes though! The answer is to take those important pieces to a tailor. It can make all the difference between looking sloppy and looking sensational!



7 Easy Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Pimples Overnight

It never fails. You have a big weekend planned, good friends, lots of laughs… not to mention you’ve got a fierce outfit already picked out. And then, BAM! Right there…in the middle of your chin…a pimple the size of an apple. There’s no way you can get that thing cleared by Friday night, right? Wrong!  We just so happen to have 10 easy and natural cures (that you probably have around the house right now) to send that pimple packing ASAP.

  • Toothpaste – This is a tried and true pimple buster. Just make sure it’s a white toothpaste, not a gel-based one. The cleaning properties in it work to absorb oil, while the anti-bacterial properties fight bacteria. You only need a very small amount, dab it onto the pimple, and allow to dry overnight.
  • Honey – Put this down on the long list of amazing things that honey can do. It is a natural antibiotic which helps kill the bacteria that causes pimples. It is also naturally hydrating, so it won’t dry out the skin around the pimple (unlike the toothpaste, which might cause a little redness). Dab a small amount onto the pimple and allow to dry (at least an hour). Wipe clean with a warm damp cloth.
  • Calamine lotion – Yes, in addition to treating severe itching caused by anything from chicken pox to poison ivy, Calamine lotion can also be used to treat acne. Since it contains zinc oxide, it soothes the redness and reduces the inflammation of acne. It also works to absorb the excess oil in and around the pimple. Just dab some on the pimple before and allow it to dry before you go to bed.
  • Orange peel/Banana peel – It sounds odd, but they’ve been known to work! The acidity in the orange peel works to dry out the pimple, and the banana peel contains Lutein, which is a powerful antioxidant that also reduces inflammation. Choose either peel (the orange might be too acidic for sensitive skin), then rub gently in circular motions over the pimple and allow to dry. Then rinse clean with a warm damp cloth.
  • Aspirin paste – When crushed and mixed with a few drops of water, made into a paste, and applied to the pimple, this aspirin cure can be remarkably effective. Aspirin is an anti-inflammatory agent, so it works to reduce the swelling and redness. Dab onto the pimple, allow to dry, and leave it on the area overnight.
  • Baking soda – Baking soda is another classic cure-all home remedy that has been around for many years. To use on pimples, add a few drops of lemon juice or water to the baking soda, make a paste, and then apply to the area. Allow to dry for 10-15 minutes, then wipe clean with a warm damp cloth.
  • Lemon juice – This treatment can be a bit drying for those with sensitive skin, but it really does work. First, make sure you are using fresh, real lemon juice, not something from concentrate or a container. Lemon juice is not only a natural astringent, but it also has acidic properties that help to dry out and treat the pimple. Dab the lemon juice onto the pimple with a cotton swab or cotton ball, and allow the juice to dry on the pimple (20 minutes or so). Then wipe with a warm damp cloth. You can then apply an oil-free moisturizer, if necessary.

And, just like that…you’ll be all set to hit the town with your friends, rocking that perfect outfit, and that nasty pimple will be a distant memory!


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