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About Larry Levine

Sophisticated and tailored - Larry Levine is a lifestyle collection for the modern woman with a classic aesthetic. As timeless as it is modern, Larry Levine's simply-shaped silhouettes bring a sense of elegance and integrity to outerwear. Whether a washable down parka or a camel hair swing coat, the label - recognized for over 50 years for its well-bread American style - guarantees an attention to detail and impeccable fit.


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Beautiful New ways to Style Your Rings

It’s easy to get into a rut with wearing jewelry. Day in, day out, it’s sometimes just easier to keep the same pieces on…or off… whichever the case may be. Either way, your style can begin to suffer, and you can quickly get bored with accessorizing. That’s the last thing we want to happen! You’ve got so much fabulousness inside you ready to come out…and these suggestions will help to get your creative ideas flowing again!

  • Geometric – Geometric shapes are huge right now, and there are lots of options out there. Triangles, pyramids, even a chunky plain band can look modern and geometrical. You can also arrange the rings by thinking geometrically, by keeping the larger rings to your pointer, thumb, and pinky finger, while wearing thinner rings on your middle and ring fingers. Think symmetry and balance.
  • Colored stones – Not necessarily working off of colors in your outfit (although that would look fierce too) another fresh way to wear rings is to pile on the color. Think gemstones, pearls, even turquoise (which is another massive trend right now). Different sizes and shapes and hues of the same color. Talk about a statement!
  • One color metal – This is one of the fastest and easiest ways to make an impact with your accessories…but we’re not talking just one or two rings. No way! For this trick to wow you’ve got to wear multiple pieces, varying sizes and shapes, but all one color metal. Yellow gold, rose gold, copper, silver…your choice. And if you want to double up on the stylishness, pair yellow and rose gold or copper with clothes in warm, Fall hues (brown, rust, tan)…and pair cooler colored clothes (black, grey, white) with silver, gunmetal, or black tungsten or titanium.
  • Mixed metal – In a similar idea as the above, this look involves mixing rings of varying shapes and sizes in differing finishes… shiny and brushed, silver, yellow and rose gold hues. Make sure you incorporate both thick and thin rings so that the difference in texture and finish can really stand out!
  • Mad for midis – Yes, another definite trend are midi rings. Most midis are quite thin, but there are so many shapes and sizes, some open, some connected to another ring worn further up the finger. Layer them together, wear them on every finger, or every other finger. The more you wear, the bigger the statement.
  • Stacked – Another one of the most flattering and fashionable ways to accessorize with rings is to stack them. You can even mix bold and modern with delicate and feminine designs. Also, wearing multiples of thin rings stacked together is a fab way to layer interest into your look without it being overpowering.


How to Stay Warm While Enjoying Winter’s Outdoor Activities

What is it about Winter weather that makes us just want to get out and enjoy nature? Sure, in the Summer, you can get out and enjoy nature just the same, but as the temperatures rise, you can only remove so many articles of clothing before….well…you get arrested. But in the Winter, you can bundle up and really make the most of the world around you! No matter what you fancy… hiking, camping, or even just enjoying a festive campfire with friends…we’ve got the gear you’re going to need to keep warm and keep going!

  • Base layers – Why are base layers so important? Why can’t you just throw on a thick jacket and be done with it? Well, not only do base layers make it easier for you to adjust your body temp as you go, but they can keep you warm without letting you get overheated when enjoying activities outdoors. True base layers (long-sleeved tops and bottoms with fitted ankles) are worn close to the skin and are form-fitting (but not overly tight), made from polyester, wool, synthetics, or a combination of all three, but not Cotton will retain moisture and but will not retain much-needed heat.
  • Insulating layers – Worn over base layers, insulating layers should still be made of the same materials – wool, polyester, and synthetics – but are a bit thicker (not so thick you can’t comfortably move though). In more moderate climates, you might be able to skip insulating layers and simply double-up on base layers. This layer will be the one that you layer on and off as your temperature, and that of the outdoors, fluctuates. That means your insulating layer is best comprised of pieces with zippers and/or buttons (like these) for ease of use.
  • Weatherproof layers – Your outermost layers will be windproof, waterproof, and breathable. On top, that means you’re looking for a good hard-shell jacket, with plenty of zippers for extra ventilation. Regular jeans or pants will work over your base layer, but in colder climates, you should add a pair of weatherproof or weather-resistant pants. Not only will they keep your pants and under-layer dry, but they help to cut the chill of the wind.
  • Hats/gloves –In cold weather, your body first loses heat through your extremities. That means hats and gloves are definitely in order! Again, try to look for fabrics like wool, polyester, or synthetics, since they will hold the heat better than cotton. Hats and gloves should fit snugly …and fleece-lining never hurts. And, in this day and age, look for gloves with smart touch fingertips, so you won’t have to constantly be taking them on and off to use your phone.
  • Boots/shoes – Footwear should be waterproof, with thick soles, and have a fit with a bit of room. The extra room not only helps with accommodating the thicker socks (hopefully wool) you’ll be wearing, but it will allow for warm air to circulate and keep those toes warm.

Finally, add a hard-shell, insulated or lined jacket, one designed to take the elements, and you’re set. If you layer-up properly, and choose the right fabrics and fits, your Winter time wanderings are sure to be toasty, warm, and wonderful!

Classic Beauty and Makeup Must-Haves (Part Two)

Let’s continue our exploration of the best and brightest of makeup and beauty’s all-time faves. These are the products that have been propelled into the must-have Hall of Fame, not only due to their overwhelming popularity, but for their constant high-quality performance. To get on this list, it’s not enough for a product to have a season of “gotta have it.” Nope. To be named here, a product must go the distance, over and over, to prove its worth. Maybe they came onto the market last year…or last decade…but they all have earned their spots on this list, as well as in our hearts!

  •             Butter London Nail Foundation – Over the past few years, we’ve come to know and love the bold colors with the cheeky British names. They all really hold their vibrancy, and wear so well. But one of the most unassuming looking Butter London products is also one of the most amazing! The Butter London Nail Foundation works behind the scenes to flawlessly smooth out any ridges and bumps so your finished product has a perfect satin finish.
  •         Bare Escentuals Powder Foundation – When this foundation first came on the market, no one quite knew what to make of it. A powder foundation… with medium coverage… that was actually good for your skin? What is this magic?! But Bare Essentuals has proven itself year after year, garnering more devotees by the day. No caking. No creasing. No breakouts. No oil. Perfection. Swirl, tap, and buff!
  •           The Original Beautyblender – It looked like a gimmick at first. And it’s certainly had dozens of copy-cat products claiming to work as well. But there really is only one Beautyblender. The pointy end gets in all those tight spots next to your nose and around your eyes, while the rounded end smooths out all the other spots. The tap-and-rock method, thanks to the sponge’s unique consistency, really helps to get that foundation and concealer blended flawlessly. Airbrush perfect.
  •            L’Occitane Shea Butter Hand Cream – Yes, it’s French, and that does secretly make us feel extra fancy when using it. But that alone wouldn’t get the L’Occitane Shea Butter Hand Cream on this list. The lush 20% shea butter formula absorbs quickly and completely, and the smell is divine! Our purse would feel empty without it (and our hands would definitely be cracked and dry)!
  •            Ole Henriksen Truth Serum – For years, beauty science has been trumpeting the effectiveness of Vitamin C in increasing cell turnover and eliminating dark spots and acne scars. But the real genius of the Ole Henriksen Truth Serum is the smooth, fast absorbing gel. Your skin feels instantly moisturized, while under the surface, that Vitamin C is hard at work making you even more beautiful!


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