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About Monster Hunter: World

Monster Hunter: World is an action role-playing game developed and published by Capcom. A part of the Monster Hunter series, it was released worldwide for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.


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How to Find the Perfect Nude Lipstick for You

Here’s the thing about nude lipstick…everyone’s “nude” is different. The nude that’s perfect for your very fair-skinned best friend might leave you looking like you’ve been dead for 3 days. And your perfect nude might make your very fair-skinned best friend look as if she went on a Doritos binge and forgot to wipe her mouth. So finding your nude can be tricky. Luckily, we’ve got a few tips that should make the hunt a little less confusing.

  • Texture – There are some options when it comes to texture: sheer, opaque, creamy, matte. If you try a sheer nude, for example, it will allow more of your own natural lip color to show through. Therefore, it’s more of a tinted lip balm than a nude lipstick. That means we’re looking for something opaque to make more of a statement. Next consider finish: creamy or matte? Matte is great when it comes to bold colors like red and fuchsia, but in a nude, matte can sometimes make your lips look chalky and dry. So start your search focusing on a creamy, opaque lipstick.
  • Prep – Any lipstick looks better with smooth, exfoliated lips. In fact, you really can’t judge it at all if your lips are dry and cracked. And no, just putting lipstick on over your dry, cracked lips won’t make them any more moisturized. Lipstick doesn’t work that way…if it did, it would be called moisturizer. So before you begin your adventure to find the nude of your dreams, be sure your lips are ready for action. Exfoliate them with a simple mix of sugar and olive oil. Rub in gentle circles with your finger, wipe clean with a cloth and warm water. (Another tip for making any lipstick look better: apply a lip moisturizer beforehand. After you rub your lips together, wipe the extra moisturizer off, or else the lipstick you’re trying will be too gloopy).
  • Tone – Know your skin tone. You might be fair, but are your undertones more blue, yellow, or neutral, more cool or warm? Likewise, you might have darker skin, but are your undertones more yellow, blue, or neutral? That’s the tricky bit. The easiest way to know for sure is to head to a makeup counter and get matched for a foundation (it’s free). The makeup person should be able to pinpoint your exact skintone and undertones, which is not only something you will need to know for your makeup in general, but it will also help to find a nude lipstick that’s perfect. Since all lipsticks have undertones (blue, yellow, neutral), knowing yours should give you a range of colors that will work with your skintone, so you might actually be able to find 2 or 3 perfect nudes for you right at the makeup counter.
  • Get together – If you are by yourself in your local drugstore, telling one nude lipstick from another can be more challenging. Pulling one color at a time won’t really help much either, since all nudes pretty much look the same when examined on their own. What you need is a contrast. So, pick 2 or 3 colors you think might work for you and hold them up next to each other. This way, you can definitely see if one is more pinky, or one is more orangy, or one looks juuuuust right.
  • Try – You know the old adage… if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. Finding your perfect nude lipstick is not something you can do without trying on a good number of the contenders. Don’t be afraid to try (and wipe off) multiple possibilities. Hey, you’ve gotta kiss some frogs before you find the Prince, right?
  • Add makeup – Any nude lip is going to look 1000 times better with a bit of makeup on the rest of your face, because even the best nude lipstick can completely wash you out if it’s all by itself. A good rule of thumb is that if you are emphasizing your lips, go with a lighter eye, and if you are emphasizing your eyes, go with a lighter lip. Since nude is about as light as you can go with a lip, try putting a little more “oompfh” into your eye makeup. If you would rather do a moderate eye and emphasize your cheeks, then definitely be sure to add bronzer, cheek color, and highlight to really make those cheek bones pop. (Another tip – if you have cool tones to your skin, you might find that a warm-toned cheek color looks amazing. And vice versa, for warm skin tones, a cool-toned cheek color will really balance your makeup out).


Three Easy Ways to Make Your Lips Look Fuller

Not all of us were blessed with gorgeous, full, Angelina Jolie-esque lips… some of us have had to struggle with constantly “drawing in” an upper lip. But there just so happens to be some nifty little tricks you can use to help make your lips look fuller…and only you will ever know you needed them!

  • Exfoliate – Exfoliating is not just for your body and face. Our bodies are daily sloughing off the dull, dead skin cells for fresh, new skin cells underneath, and exfoliating aides in that. If your lips are rough, dry, or flaky, a gentle exfoliation will help to remove the dead, dry skin and soften the newer healthy skin underneath. More importantly, it will also make the lips more able to draw in necessary moisture, which in itself can help lips look fuller. Smooth lips will also not only look healthier, but will make any lip product you apply look better.

Since the skin on your lips is thinner and more delicate that that on most other parts of your body, the key to exfoliation here is to think gentle…both in what you put on your lips to exfoliate, and how you do it. A simple mixture of olive oil and sugar, applied to lips with a finger or a washcloth, will do beautifully. Rub in small circles for a minute or two on each lip, then rinse with warm water and pat dry. You can also use Vaseline on a toothbrush, applied in a similar way. Just remember to be gentle!

  • Moisturize – Our skin can temporarily absorb moisture (think how much easier body lotion goes on after a warm shower or bath), but without something to help lock it in, the moisture will evaporate throughout the day. Try to avoid those with ingredients such as lanolin and glycerine, as they can sometimes leave lips feeling “waxy,” as if the product hasn’t absorbed into your skin. Also try to avoid moisturizers with a lot of oils; a higher oil content won’t allow the product to be absorbed (think of oil and water in a bottle). When in doubt, opt for natural, like Yes to Coconuts Naturally Smooth lip balm. It’s all natural and absorbs beautifully into your lips.

After exfoliating and before you go to bed, simply smooth the moisturizer over your lips. Since you won’t be talking/eating/drinking it will give your lips the time they need to sit with the moisturizer. When you wake, you’ll be amazed at how your lips look fuller.

  • Highlight – Contouring is all the rage now, and your lips definitely need to get in on the trend… especially if you want to make your lips look fuller. A general rule of thumb to remember for make-up is that dark colors recede, or make things look smaller, and lighter colors highlight, or bring to the foreground. A bit of strategically placed highlight will make your lips look fuller and more “three dimensional.” You can use a shimmery vanilla or white colored eye shadow for this, but it works best with a highlighting pencil, like Benefit High Brow Glow.
    1. After applying your desired lip color, lightly run the highlighter over just the cupid’s bow (the center V of your top lip). Blend gently with your finger or a clean shadow brush.
    2. Apply highlighter to the center section of your bottom lip, just outside the natural lip line. Blend gently.
    3. If desired, highlight the two creases running from the bottom of your nose to your cupid’s bow. Blend gently.

Now, simply sit back and admire your perfect pout (but don’t forget to smile too…smiling always helps anyone to look beautiful)!

Effortless Ways to Mix and Match Color like a Pro

You’ve got some great pieces in your wardrobe. You know you do. So then why is it that every time you open your closet, you either A) find you have absolutely nothing to wear, or B) stick to your same ol’ “safe” outfits. It might all come down to a very simple reason: you are not taking full advantage of color matching. Once you start looking at colors, and new ways to combine them, a world of possibilities with your existing wardrobe will open up before your eyes!

  • Complimentary Colors – Unless you remember high school art class, you might need to get on Google for this. On the color wheel, a complimentary color is one that can be found directly across from your current color, and it is combo guaranteed to look fab. See? It’s science!
  • Think Ombre — Admittedly, this is the easy way out, but it will work in a pinch. It might even get your color matching juices flowing! Just as ombre uses varying shades of the same color, try pairing differing hues of the same color in pastels, jewel tones, earth tones, etc.
  • J. Crew Cheat Sheet – When in doubt, hit the catalogues! It works to find inspiration in almost anything… decorating, interior design, gardening…so why not fashion? J. Crew in particular is fantastic at coordinating items resulting in the most beautiful array of colors and patterns you’ve ever seen! It’s almost guaranteed that even if you don’t have the exact pieces J. Crew is using, you most likely have the colors. So look at how their experts are pairing the colors, and follow their lead.
  • Look to Your Prints – Some of your favorite, most unlikely, most delightful color combinations might be hiding right in front of your eyes! Maybe it’s in your closet, or your accessory drawer, or maybe it’s something straight from a fashion mag or your favorite designer’s runway show. Prints! You know ‘em, you love ‘em…and they can unlock all kinds of winning color combinations for you. Also pay attention to the proportion in which each color is used. Make the most-used colors the inspiration for your big pieces, and let the lesser-used colors inspire you for small pieces and accessories.
  • Black and White – It’s classic for a good reason: it works! Pairing black and white is not only striking, but it works on a scientific level, since these two colors are opposites on the color wheel. And they also combine to provide an epic base for adding a pop of color in shoes, belts, jewelry, bags, and other accessories (just do us a favor…don’t take it too far and go all Cruella Deville on us).


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