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About Thomas Sabo

THOMAS SABO is one of the globally-leading jewellery, watches and beauty companies, designing, selling and distributing lifestyle products for women and men with luxurious materials.


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Styling Tips for Curvy Girls

In this day and age, when everything in fashion and the media seems to be geared towards slim and skinny models, it can be difficult for curvy girls to find and style clothes that fit and flatter. Of course it’s easy to say that every woman’s shape is beautiful, but if that woman doesn’t feel beautiful, no outfit will work, no matter how much it costs. Luckily though, there are some tips and tricks you curvy girls can use that will amp up not only your outfits, but your confidence!

  • Don’t try to hide your shape – You may think that the more covered you are, the more you can hide your shape, and therefore, the better you will look. But nope. In fact, it’s pretty much the opposite. Sure, if you are self-conscious about an area, you can keep it covered, but be careful not to hide away in too much fabric. That will do little more than make you look sloppy and, often times, even bigger than you actually are.
  • Invest in undergarments – If you don’t already know, shapewear can smooth out a multitude of jiggly bits. But don’t try to squeeze into something three sizes too small for you thinking it will make you look skinnier. Not only will you be horribly uncomfortable, but you will only end up pushing the fat from one place to another, creating rolls you didn’t intend on. Instead, find shapewear that fits, smoothing out areas that are in need. And be sure to invest in a good bra too! That can make a tremendous difference in how your clothes actually look and fit. Imagine how much better you will look if your boobs aren’t down at your waist! But please don’t guess your size. Many stores offer free bra sizing, so take advantage of it!
  • Try on, try on, try on – You may think you’re a certain size…but you almost certainly won’t be that size in every That’s why it’s important to try on everything. Don’t shy away from sizes because you think it’s too big, and don’t shy away from sizes thinking it’s too small and will never fit you. SIZE…IS…JUST…A…NUMBER.
  • Dress your shape – Curvy girls come in all different shapes and sizes. Once you know what shape you are, you will know what pieces will flatter you the most. There are loads of shape guides online to use as a reference. Whether you’re a triangle, rectangle, pear, hourglass, inverted triangle, or oval, dressing to your shape is key to looking your best!
  • Get a tailor – Let’s say you found a fab button-down top that actually fits around your boobs…no gaping around the buttons…but the rest of the top is waaaay too big. Your first instinct may be to put it back on the rack, but you’d be making a mistake and missing out on a great wardrobe staple piece. One of the things you will need to accept as a curvy girl is that a lot of clothing won’t fit you perfectly right off the rack. That’s no excuse for wearing ill-fitting clothes though! The answer is to take those important pieces to a tailor. It can make all the difference between looking sloppy and looking sensational!



Snowboarding and Skiing Essentials

Winter opens up a whole new world of amazing and exhilarating outdoor activities for you to enjoy, with snowboarding and skiing being two of the most popular. But, if you’re underdressed or unprepared, you’ll do anything but enjoy your time in the cold…instead, you’ll be spending every shivering minute wishing for the warmth of the indoors and cursing whosever idea it was to invite you to the slopes to begin with! Luckily, we have a list of the essentials you’ll need to enjoy every schuss, slalom, and snowplough in style!

  • Base layers – Your parents or grandparents might have called them “long johns” or “long underwear,” but modern day base layers are made from more advanced synthetic fabric. Base layers are designed to be form-fitting, worn close to the body, and made from non-cotton material that wicks moisture and retains heat.
  • Ski socks – If you’ve ever spent time in the snow or extreme cold, you know how quickly your toes can start to feel that burning numbness. Ideally, think of snow socks as a base layer for your feet. They should be thin, but made of a moisture-wicking material that will keep your feet warm and dry.
  • Ski/snow jacket – Unlike jackets made for ordinary cold weather, ski/snow jackets also need to be breathable and waterproof. Look for ones that provide good insulation and are semi form-fitting but still allow for good mobility. A bonus here is that snow jackets come in all kinds of beautiful and amazing colors and patterns…so you can really find one that is fun and perfect for you!
  • Ski/snow pants – These are a must for safety and warmth on the slopes. Proper snow/ski pants need to be waterproof and insulated with a contoured fit, but they also need to be long enough to be pulled down over your ski boots and loose enough to allow mobility in your knees and hips.
  • Ski/snow gloves – As with your toes, you will often feel the harsh effects of the cold in your fingers soon after entering the climate, so a good pair of actual ski gloves are best. They are waterproof and offer durability and dexterity. If you find your hands are very sensitive to the cold, you can also add glove liners that will basically act as a base layer for your hands.
  • Ski goggles – These will be important for a couple of reasons. Despite the chill in the air, the sun’s rays will be amplified by reflecting off the snow, so your eyes will need protection. Also, skiing and snowboarding create a great deal of wind that blasts your eyes, causing extreme dryness. Goggles will help eliminate both of these…not to mention you’ll look really cool wearing them!
  • Snow boots – The uppers of good snow boots should be made from padded or quilted nylon, textile, suede, or leather. The midsoles and insoles should be extra cushioned with good arch support and be well-padded for shock absorption. Finally, the soles need to be lightweight and waterproof, with the whole boot being waterproof overall. If your feet stay comfy and warm, you’ll be able to frolic in the snow for hours!


Classic Beauty and Makeup Must-Haves (Part Two)

Let’s continue our exploration of the best and brightest of makeup and beauty’s all-time faves. These are the products that have been propelled into the must-have Hall of Fame, not only due to their overwhelming popularity, but for their constant high-quality performance. To get on this list, it’s not enough for a product to have a season of “gotta have it.” Nope. To be named here, a product must go the distance, over and over, to prove its worth. Maybe they came onto the market last year…or last decade…but they all have earned their spots on this list, as well as in our hearts!

  •             Butter London Nail Foundation – Over the past few years, we’ve come to know and love the bold colors with the cheeky British names. They all really hold their vibrancy, and wear so well. But one of the most unassuming looking Butter London products is also one of the most amazing! The Butter London Nail Foundation works behind the scenes to flawlessly smooth out any ridges and bumps so your finished product has a perfect satin finish.
  •         Bare Escentuals Powder Foundation – When this foundation first came on the market, no one quite knew what to make of it. A powder foundation… with medium coverage… that was actually good for your skin? What is this magic?! But Bare Essentuals has proven itself year after year, garnering more devotees by the day. No caking. No creasing. No breakouts. No oil. Perfection. Swirl, tap, and buff!
  •           The Original Beautyblender – It looked like a gimmick at first. And it’s certainly had dozens of copy-cat products claiming to work as well. But there really is only one Beautyblender. The pointy end gets in all those tight spots next to your nose and around your eyes, while the rounded end smooths out all the other spots. The tap-and-rock method, thanks to the sponge’s unique consistency, really helps to get that foundation and concealer blended flawlessly. Airbrush perfect.
  •            L’Occitane Shea Butter Hand Cream – Yes, it’s French, and that does secretly make us feel extra fancy when using it. But that alone wouldn’t get the L’Occitane Shea Butter Hand Cream on this list. The lush 20% shea butter formula absorbs quickly and completely, and the smell is divine! Our purse would feel empty without it (and our hands would definitely be cracked and dry)!
  •            Ole Henriksen Truth Serum – For years, beauty science has been trumpeting the effectiveness of Vitamin C in increasing cell turnover and eliminating dark spots and acne scars. But the real genius of the Ole Henriksen Truth Serum is the smooth, fast absorbing gel. Your skin feels instantly moisturized, while under the surface, that Vitamin C is hard at work making you even more beautiful!


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