Shine Bright: New Ways to Wear Sequins

Can you wear sequins as an adult? This is a question many people have asked already, wondering whether or not they can get away with what was once a staple of our wardrobes. We all had that homecoming dress that had beautiful sequins sewn onto it, or a shirt that spelled out a word in sequins. You don’t have to give them up! Instead, you … Continue reading Shine Bright: New Ways to Wear Sequins

Pieces You Can Invest In Now For a Lifelong Wardrobe

Fashion is always changing, this is something that we all know. In fact, sometimes it seems that just when you can get a certain garment, you have to donate it because the trends have already changed. However, that doesn’t always have to be the case. There are some styles of clothing that will always be popular and you can invest now in a high-quality garment … Continue reading Pieces You Can Invest In Now For a Lifelong Wardrobe

Fall 2018: What Fashion Week Promised Us

While Fashion Week has turned into “fashion month” more or less, it is time to do a wrap up of some of the trends that we saw at Fashion Week 2018. While many of these trends won’t officially start until late summer or early fall, you will surely see these trends creeping into popular style as early as next month. All That Glistens is Gold … Continue reading Fall 2018: What Fashion Week Promised Us

How to Bring Americana Into Your Wardrobe

With the Winter Olympics fully underway, you might be wondering how to bring more Americana into your wardrobe this spring – after all, it is going to be a huge trend, even long after the Olympics are over this year. If you are looking to bring some American pride into your wardrobe in the most meaningful and respectful way, you only really want to add … Continue reading How to Bring Americana Into Your Wardrobe